Tuesday, February 21, 2012

What Not To Do As The World Is Falling Apart

As the world is falling apart there are some things that one should definitely avoid during this process. I am not apposed to having fun while our lives are crashing down before us, but if you think about it something of that sort would probably not be advised. One should be trying to survive, like taking cover in a bomb shelter if things are coming down from the sky or stocking up on weapons if zombies are coming to eat your brains out! So if you really want to succeed in living through the worlds end don't sit on your ass and do nothing or go out and have a lot of fun, go out and "fight" for the life you have created for yourself.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

This Is The Year...

Everyone has been awaiting the year 2012 ever since we discovered that the Mayan calendar stops on December 21, 2012. Each day we get closer and closer to the supposed "end of the world". Some people say it's the coming of God or the world will basically fall apart, in either case we are all screwed; hence, this blog was created! Though I do not believe that that world is going to come to a traumatic end this year, once month and eleven days to be exact, I shall please others on how to survive this tragedy to be. And if, perchance, everyone is to survive then we will all know what to do with ourselves after the fact.